Scholarships and awards for students of the Chair

Nouvelles de la Chaire / 

In recent months, three students of the Chair, under the supervision of the Chairholder, Anne Bourbonnais, received scholarships and awards.

In recent months, three students of the Chair, under the supervision of the Chairholder, Anne Bourbonnais, received scholarships and awards.

Elisabeth Laughrea received the TD Award for Excellence in Nursing—Jewish General Hospital-2018, in the amount of $2,000. This scholarship recognizes the excellence of her clinical practice and leadership, particularly through her contribution to teaching.

Marie-Hélène Lalonde and Geneviève Leblanc each received an $800 scholarship from the Quebec Network for Research on Aging (RQRV) to present research findings at Canadian or international scientific events.

Finally, Ms. Lalonde, also received an award from the “Fonds d’investissement des cycles supérieurs de l’Université de Montréal (FICSUM)” for the best oral communication presented during the 4@7 event for students research that took place on March 20th.

Congratulations to all!