Submission of a brief in the context of the consultations regarding Bill 56 about family caregivers

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Véronique Dubé, Chairholder of the Research Chair Marguerite-d’Youville d’interventions humanistes en soins infirmiers and Anne Bourbonnais, Chairholder of the Research Chair in Nursing Care for the Older People and their Families submitted a brief as part of the consultations about Bill 56, which aims recognizing and supporting family caregivers and to amend various legislative provisions.

Véronique Dubé, Chairholder of the Research Chair Marguerite-d’Youville d’interventions humanistes en soins infirmiers and Anne Bourbonnais, Chairholder of the Research Chair in Nursing Care for the Older People and their Families submitted a brief as part of the consultations about Bill 56, which aims recognizing and supporting family caregivers and to amend various legislative provisions.

The researchers supported this bill, which recognizes the right of family caregivers to receive services adapted to their needs. The authors mainly gave recommendations aimed to clarify some aspects in order to facilitate the optimal application of the bill as well as possible solutions for its operationalization. 

Brief on Bill 56— A law to recognize and support family caregivers and to amend various legislative provisions. Submitted as part of the special consultations and public hearings. (In French only)