Think about caregiving before being faced with it

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Based on a series of questions, the tool Reflex-aidance helps people to better prepare for the role of caregiver before they are faced with it.

Based on a series of questions, the tool Reflex-aidance helps people to better prepare for the role of caregiver before they are faced with it. It is available on the Observatoire québécois pour la proche aidance website.

It was developed as part of a research project by Emilie Allard, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Nursing at the Université de Montréal, in collaboration with co-researchers Véronique Dubé, Tanya Mailhot and Anne Bourbonnais, and the organizations Proche Aidance Québec and Réseau Avant de craquer.

To consult the Reflex-aidance tool: click here (In French only for now)