The Chair launches the first edition of the Desjardins Award to the new generation in nursing care

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The Research Chair in Nursing care for Older People and their Families is pleased to launch the first edition of the “Desjardins Award for the new generation in nursing care for older People and their families”.

The Research Chair in Nursing care for Older People and their Families is pleased to launch the first edition of the “Desjardins Award for the new generation in nursing care for older People and their families”.

This award was created in recognition of the Mouvement Desjardins as a key partner of the Chair for more than fifteen years. It aims to reward the Chair students for their commitment and contribution to improving care of older people and their families.

This year, the Chair will award two prizes of $2,500 each.

The guidelines for this award competition are available on the Chair’s website.

The competition is open until March 12, 2018.