Completed studies
Stéphanie Daneau
Project title | L’accompagnement infirmier des proches dans un processus décisionnel concernant la fin de vie d’une personne âgée vivant avec un trouble neurocognitif en centre d’hébergement |
Year | 2013 - 2020 |
Supervisor / Co-supervisor | Anne Bourbonnais / Alain Legault | | |
Scholarships |
Project summary | People living with late-stage Alzheimer’s disease or related disorders usually reside in long-term care facilities (LTC) where they eventually pass away. Their death is frequently preceded by an end-of-life decision, for example, withholding antibiotic treatment. In the absence of advance medical directives, a family member must make these difficult decisions. We will use a grounded theory approach to generate a theory on nursing care to families that have to make end-of-life decisions for an older person living with dementia in a long-term care facility. access the thesis (In french) |
Supussajee Detthippornpong
Project title | Cultural care among homebound elderly to maintain holistic health: a focused ethnographic study |
Year | 2015 - 2022 |
Supervisor / Co-supervisor | Praneed Songwathana /Anne Bourbonnais (since 2019) | | |
Scholarships |
Project summary | Homebound elderly are facing complex health problems, such as chronic diseases, functional decline, and geriatric syndromes. In Thailand, there are many health care services available to support older people. However, they are not specific to health problems of homebound elderly that are affected by a different lifestyle and socio-cultural context. In order to understand better their needs, we will use an ethnography to describe the impact of culture on their health care by interviewing older people and their families in their natural setting. |
Isabelle Auclair
Project title | Implication des proches dans les soins de fin de vie d’une personne âgée vivant en centre d’hébergement : une étude de cas sur les perceptions de proches et d’infirmières |
Year | 2018 —2020 |
Supervisor | Anne Bourbonnais | | |
Scholarships |
Project summary | The care provided in long-term care homes increases in complexity and must meet the needs of heterogeneous residents, very often at the end of their life. An essential aspect in end-of-life care is the engagement of the person and their relatives, but this is rarely observed in practice. In addition, there are few studies describing strategies that facilitate the engagement of relatives, despite the possible benefits. Thus, a qualitative study will be conducted to explore strategies to engage the relative of older people in end-of-life care in long-term care homes. Access master thesis (In french) |
Mirlande Bazelais
Project title | Perceptions et attentes de personnes âgées autonomes, mais en perte d’indépendance, impliquées dans un processus de relocalisation à partir d’un hôpital |
Year | 2013 - 2020 |
Supervisor | Anne Bourbonnais | | |
Project summary | Following deterioration of their health hospitalized older people sometimes must be move within an accommodation resource instead of going back home. The literature mostly describes the experience of older people living at home that must move. The perceptions and expectations of older people that are autonomous, but are losing independence, involved in a relocation process from a hospital are not well known. The goal of this multiple case study is to understand better their perceptions and expectations in this context to accompany them better. Access master thesis (In french) |
Adriana Ferreira
Project title | Médecine traditionnelle chinoise pour les comportements réactifs des personnes âgées vivant avec un trouble neurocognitif majeur : Une revue de la portée |
Year | 2022 - 2024 |
Supervisor | Anne Bourbonnais, Faculté des sciences infirmières (directrice) Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Département de gestion, d’évaluation et de politique de santé, École de santé publique (codirectrice) | | |
Scholarship |
Project summary | Responsive behaviors (e.g., vocal, aggressive) exhibited by older people living with a major neurocognitive disorder present a challenge for staff, family care partners and the person themselves. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is one approach that could help mitigate these behaviours, but it is difficult to draw conclusions about its relevance. The aim of this scoping review is to map the state of knowledge on this subject. It will describe the TCM modalities that have been studied, their effectiveness on the different people involved and their feasibility. |
Lawrence Fillion
Project title | Exploration du deuil blanc chez les proches aidants d’une personne âgée atteinte d’un trouble neurocognitif majeur en centre d’hébergement |
Year | 2018 - 2022 |
Supervisor | Anne Bourbonnais | | |
Scholarship | Prix Desjardins de la relève en soins infirmiers à la personne âgée et à la famille, 2020-2021 |
Project summary | Major neurocognitive disorders are diseases that are a difficult experience for people living with the disease and for their relatives. Ambiguous loss is the experience of family caregivers when the losses associated with the degenerative process result in significant changes in the psychological relationship with the person living with the disease. Studies do not allow to fully understand the complexity of ambiguous loss. The purpose of this master thesis is to explore the ambiguous loss lived by family caregivers of older people having major neurocognitive disorders in long-term care homes. Access master thesis (In french) |
Cécile Hardy
Project title | Intervention infirmière auprès des familles afin de prévenir le délirium chez un proche âgé admis dans une salle d’urgence |
Year | 2012 - 2015 |
Supervisor | Anne Bourbonnais | | |
Project summary | The prevalence of delirium in the emergency room is between 8 and 10% for people over 65 years. To prevent this condition, a brief intervention aimed at relatives and shown in a study as being effective was adapted and implemented in an emergency room. It was operationalized using the model “Care Partner Engagement”. This intervention is feasible in 5 to 10 minutes. Nurses can play a decisive role to prevent delirium by developing a partnership with the relatives even in the emergency room. Access master thesis (In french) |
Marie-Hélène Lalonde
Project title | L’exploration des perceptions quant au partenariat de soins pour prévenir un état confusionnel postopératoire chez les personnes âgées |
Year | 2015 - 2018 |
Supervisor | Anne Bourbonnais | | |
Scholarship |
Project summary | Delirium is an acute and fluctuating cognitive disorder that affects up to 50% of older people after surgery. This condition carries important consequences in older people as well as distress in their relatives and nurses. In this regard, a partnership between nurses, older people and their families has the potential to optimize preventive interventions. However, the evidence is scarce on this topic. Hence, this study aims to explore the perceptions of older people and their relatives regarding engaging in a care partnership to optimize the prevention of postoperative delirium. Access master thesis (In french) |
Elisabeth Laughrea
Project title | Mise en œuvre d’une formation infirmière réflexive sur la prévention de l’état confusionnel aigu chez les personnes âgées dans les milieux de soins chirurgicaux |
Year | 2015 - 2018 |
Supervisor | Anne Bourbonnais | | |
Scholarship | Bourse d’étude TD 2018 pour l’excellence des soins infirmiers de l’Hôpital général juif, 2018. |
Project summary | In order to prevent and treat confusion, it is necessary to improve care management of older people in acute care facilities by adapting the environment to their needs. Early detection of this condition is essential in order to prevent complications that might lead to a loss of independence and to a higher risk of mortality. The purpose of the project is to implement an intervention to increase nurses’ awareness to the predisposing and precipitating factors of confusion and to the work in partnership with the family to prevent and manage this complication. Access master thesis (In french) Link to a brochure developed on the prevention of delirium in older adults. |
Marie-Hélène Lavallée
Project title | Les significations du processus transitionnel de personnes âgées hospitalisées nécessitant un hébergement permanent et vivant de multiples relocalisations |
Year | 2011 - 2014 |
Supervisor | Anne Bourbonnais | | |
Scholarships | Bourse de rédaction, Faculté des sciences infirmières, Université de Montréal – 2013, 1 000 $ Bourse programme MELS-Universités, Faculté des sciences infirmières, Université de Montréal – 2012, 20 000 $ Bourse d’excellence Telus, solution en santé, Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, Université de Montréal – 2012, 5 000 $ Bourse Mireille-Ducros, Faculté des sciences infirmières, Université de Montréal – 2012, 2 000 $ Bourse d’admission à la maitrise, Faculté des sciences infirmières, Université de Montréal – 2011, 2 000 $ |
Project summary | Hospitalized older people needing placement in long-term care facilities within the public sector can be relocated several times before a permanent place becomes available. The meanings that older people assign to these experiences are not well known, while they can influence their transition and their health. A critical microethnography study was designed for the purpose of understanding these meanings. The thematic data analysis has led to the identification of three themes: spatio-temporal disruptions and emotional separations during relocations; uncertainty in the presence of powerlessness; concerns associated to daily living. Access master thesis (In french) |
Geneviève Leblanc
Project title | Les significations de soigner des personnes âgées pour les infirmières travaillant dans une salle d’urgence |
Year | 2014 - 2018 |
Supervisor | Anne Bourbonnais | | |
Scholarships |
Project summary | Over 40% of emergency room visits are made by people aged 65 and over. As a result of demographic changes, healthcare professionals in the emergency room are managing older people on a regular basis and will increasingly do so in the future. In spite of the increasing number of emergency room visits by older people, nurses show little interest in this population and this influences the quality of care delivered. The purpose of this ethnography is to understand the meanings emergency room nurses assign to the care of older people. Access master thesis (In french) |
Dave Métras
Project title | Les perceptions d’infirmières nouvellement diplômées travaillant en centre d’hébergement sur leur développement professionnel continu : une étude descriptive interprétative |
Year | 2021 - 2024 |
Supervisor | Anne Bourbonnais | | |
Scholarship |
Project summary | Working in a long-term care home (LTCH) poses challenges for newly qualified nurses who, in professional transition, are engaged in a process of continuing professional development (CPD). This development must be supported, but the needs, strategies, issues and leverages associated with CPD for newly qualified nurses in LTCHs remain little studied. The aim of this study was to describe the perceptions of newly qualified nurses in LTCH regarding their CPD. It has led to recommendations aimed at creating training and work environments that support the CPD of newly qualified nurses, to improve the quality of care offered in LTCHs. Access master thesis (In french) |
Angélique Paquette
Project title | La collaboration quant à la gestion de la douleur chronique chez la personne âgée atteinte de troubles cognitifs en centre d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée |
Year | 2014 - 2018 |
Supervisor | Anne Bourbonnais | | |
Scholarship | Bourse d’appui à la diffusion des résultats de recherche dans des congrès canadiens ou internationaux, Réseau québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement, 2017. |
Project summary | Older people experience chronic pain frequently. It is, however, generally not identified and undertreated. The problem is even more widespread among populations with cognitive disorders living in long-term care facilities. Several studies have explored the assessment of pain in this population. One of the proposed solutions is to increase collaboration within the healthcare team. This aspect has not been widely explored in the literature. The objective of this study is to explore the healthcare team’s perceptions on collaboration in the management of chronic pain in older people with cognitive disorder living in long-term care facilities. Access master thesis (In french) |
Leticia Urrutia
Project title | Mieux évaluer et soulager la douleur chez des résidents souffrant de troubles cognitifs : Activité réflexive infirmière en centre d’hébergement et soins de longue durée (CHSLD) |
Year | 2017 — 2021 |
Supervisor | Anne Bourbonnais | | |
Project summary | In long-term care facilities (LTCFs), 80% of residents suffer from pain and another 80% suffer from neurocognitive disorders. The assessment of pain in these residents is complex, particularly because of their cognitive impairment. Thus, the pain of older person living in LTCFs is less assessed. A reflective activity with nurses would improve their competency in assessing their pain. The purpose of the project is to develop and implement a reflective workshop using pain assessment situations for nurses working in LTCFs. Access master thesis (In french) |