Giving a voice to family care partners
Anne Bourbonnais, the chairholder, conducted a critical ethnography aiming to describe the experiences of family care partners of an older person…
A former Chairholder honoured!
Francine Ducharme, Chairholder of the Desjardins Chair in Nursing Care for Older People and their Families (2000-2015), and Dean of the Faculty of…
The Chair submits a brief at the General assembly of the Order of Nurses of Québec
The Chair submitted a brief to the General assembly conducted by the Order of Nurses of Québec. Rich discussion with collaborators contributed to the…
Familles-Gagnon-Thibaudeau and Guy-Sauvageau-Senior doctoral scholarship awarded
The Research Chair in Nursing Care for Older People and their Families has awarded a $25,000 doctoral scholarship to Isabelle Auclair, a PhD student…
A Profession Santé award for a former student of the Chair
During the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, Marie-Hélène Lalonde, a former student and former research coordinator at the Chair, came up with the…
A Canada Research Chair in Care of for Older People
Anne Bourbonnais was awarded a Canada Research Chair in June 2020. This Canada Research Chair in Care of for Older People is a testament to the…
Students from the Chair at the Student Scientific Day of the Quebec Network for Research in Palliative and End-of-Life Care - RQSPAL
Two students of the Chair presented recorded presentations during the Student Scientific Day of the Quebec Network for Research in Palliative and…
Special thanks to current and former students of the Chair for their contribution in the CHSLD struggling with COVID-19
Several current and former students of the Chair were on the front lines when the pandemic hit Quebec's long-term care homes (LTCHs) hard.
Responding to the invitation of the Québec Ombudsman regarding the investigation on crisis management in long-term care homes
As part of the investigation conducted by the Québec Ombudsman on the management of the COVID-19 crisis in Quebec in long-term care homes (LTCHs), a…
Submission of a brief in the context of the consultations regarding Bill 56 about family caregivers
Véronique Dubé, Chairholder of the Research Chair Marguerite-d’Youville d’interventions humanistes en soins infirmiers and Anne Bourbonnais,…
The Chair welcomes a postdoctoral fellow
On January 30th, Emmanuel Niyonsaba, Doctor of Sociology from the Université Le Havre (France), joined the Research Chair in Nursing Care for Older…
A scholarship awarded by the Chair!
The Research Chair in Nursing Care for Older People and their Families awarded the Familles-Gagnon-Thibaudeau Scholarship, a master’s study…
Renewal of the Chairholder’s mandate
On January 22, the Executive Committee of the Université de Montréal reappointed Anne Bourbonnais for a second term as Chairholder
The Decibels Project in 180 seconds!
As part of the popularization competition of the Research Centre of the Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal of the CIUSSS…
An article in the journal Perspective infirmière about a graduate of the Chair
An article published in the November-December 2019 issue of the journal Perspective infirmière presents the committed and inspiring career path of…